Matthew’s Business Growth Bootcamp for Independent Trainers and Coaches

April 2021 – Europe – 2 Day Training in Small Business Growth with the Choice – Get Bigger or Go Home

You are a passionate trainer / coach / teacher / mentor and love nothing better than spending time with open minded delegates / coachees and channeling your wisdom and experience to bring out the very best in THEM whilst feeling in the zone and knowing that you are at your fully empowered best.

And what gets in the Way?

Small Business Nonsense – At your lowest point on Monday morning or Friday evening you feel invisible, ignored, exploited, forgotten, abused, abandoned or enslaved.

More about You

You love sharing your knowledge but don’t charge enough to always make it worthwhile.

You love working with people but get stressed about taking on more subcontract and associate work – your dream is to develop your own professional relationships, take control of your content and create the best work you can.

You love your subject but are reduced to old models, stereotypes and out of date concepts from a bygone era with more and more associate work.

You want to be in the flow but are trapped in a cycle of clichés, administration and low-income monotony.

Enough is Enough

Is it time to give it that BIG PUSH? Will you put in the directed effort, overcome your baggage and go for it to enable 2021 to be YOUR year for growth, self-expression, happiness and fulfillment?

Having worked with some of the biggest best companies in the world and started my own businesses, I have seen the best and experienced the worst as well.

Over the years I have found there to be 13 fundamental elements to a solid, sustainable and successful solo-preneurial, small business owner life.

13 Step Blue Print – The only complete model to establish and grow your business.

In brief the elements of the BLUE PRINT are…

  • Identity – Defining your purpose and passion. When you find your “thing”, your brightness dials right up, words come more easily to your mind, you find yourself in flow more frequently, your knowledge transfer rate goes off the scale and that means you feel fantastic, you feel well, and your new found optimism and enthusiasm spreads like a sexually transmitted disease through a freshman campus. When you know the WHY everything else falls in to place and you realise that you have GOT IT.
  • Brand – Unearthing your essence provides you the opportunity to add to your professional, social media and community reputation in a purposeful and more controlled fashion. You become the engineer of your promise, your style and your knowledge delivery in a way that is unique to you. Your teaching/coaching style adds to your brand and lights the way for more work with better people enabling you to achieve your dreams in the class room, the corporate board room and, via Skype or Gotomeeting, around the World.
  • Ideal Customer – Working to hone your target AVATAR can be one of the wonders of the process of building a rock solid profitable small business. As you define your core delegate with purpose, your models, materials and mantras almost form themselves. They have congruence and consistency and this massively boosts your credibility, voice and message.
  • Marketing and Channels – When you conquer your cultural modesty and introverted avoidance of social media and learn the art of cool self-promotion and to express your values and persona in the language of super-copy, the corporate world will sit up and take notice. People you only dreamed of from afar will contact you, make lucrative requests and treat you as a respected peer. This is a mind blowing moment for many start up s-heroes as their dream of being validated by respected big business comes true and happens on their own terms.
  • Social Media – The personal revolution happens here. You are as powerful as a World Top 100 company because Social Media is one of the most humbling and equal of places when used correctly. Your ideas are as valid as the next persons and with the Super-Copy formula you can take to the world stage and interrupt the busiest and the best decision-makers out there. And, with repurposing, you do not have to have 1,000 original ideas a year (nobody does). When you repurpose your ideas in several forms and begin an intelligent dialogue with subject matter experts you will quickly project a shining presence that will be reflected back in invitations, engagement and engagements, billable hours and days and adventures that surpass the imagination of the younger you.
  • Database – Yes it is time to revisit the humble database and to change your mind and beliefs about them FOREVER. We will move you from a, “No organised database, no problem.” Mindset to one of, “No Database no business!” This is the space for systems, delegation, outsourcing as well as organisation, sequenced activity and patience. The majority of your customers will not come just from your genius – they will come from your perseverance as your competition give up and go home just before your target decision maker becomes ready to sign on the dotted line and engage with YOU – the only one left standing in the race.
  • Networking – When you graduate from Wall Flower to Warrior and understand the benefits and impact of articulating your authentic core purpose, practicing empathic enquiry, and giving before asking, you will experience the full magic of the HUSTLE and all the rewards it can bring to you. You will begin to look forward to a room full of strangers, because they will be at the right events containing the right people and they will want to listen to what you have to say.
  • Product Creation – Your crossing of the technological Rubicon could not have been made any easier – simply point and shoot or press the button and record your voice. With a little tuition and practice you will be accumulating web based assets that broadcast your essence and brand around the world, even as you sleep.
  • Selling – Forget all that you have heard and leant to fear about OLD sales. No one likes to be sold to any more. Nobody. New sales is about intelligence, listening and qualifying out or in prospects in a natural and civilised way. Preparation, research and marketing, when done well, deliver pre-qualified warm leads to your door. Your job is to take this probable customer on the last few steps of the journey. NEW sales is an ethically positive, experience for the customer and for you.
  • Core delivery – Critically important at this point is the quality of your work. If your teaching matches the “brochure” this congruence will pay you back with repeat engagements and corporate contacts that move up from being acquaintances to becoming your friends and from transactional form signers to life-long raving fans, advocates and business sponsors These are the people who will make your life richer in every sense and you will develop these relationship by executing your craft at the very highest level. Again technology is there to help.
  • Referrals – Smashing through the modesty and shyness mentioned earlier is an essential step in starting your ascension to the big small business league where you have choices, freedom, and lower levels of stress as your sales machine is outsourced to advocates. Your feedback forms become a delight to read thanks to your planned excellence and deeper dialogue with genuine business partners who bring you back in to their corporation again and again and are happy to do so.
  • Growth – Here the 7 metrics that need to be grown are dealt with under the umbrella of marginal gains, continuous improvement and a spectrum strategy. When you work on Sales, Sequenced Marketing, Talent, Intellectual Property, Cash Flow and Reinvestment as well as Systems and Data Capture and Automation you will be well on the way to realizing your original dream of experiencing passion, purpose, serving the world, adding value, making a difference and enjoying manageable stress levels that may well be mistaken for excitement.
  • Fully Expressed You – This whole process has been about creating a channel for you to practice your purpose lead content to attain a high level of comfort and competence. That means connecting deeply with your audience, their needs, wants and desires and providing something of great value that resonates with you as well. You will be excelling at your “right and chosen work” and be working with qualified-in people who respect you, enable you and empower you. Your transfer rates will be stratospheric as you rush to the learning venue ready to give your day’s work everything, knowing that nothing is wasted and you can leave that evening, confident that you have done the very best you could have done with the people who you most desire to teach and have left them with maximum value in a way that is aligned with your purpose, your persona and your passion.

We are running a two-day workshop – Matthew’s Going for Growth  Bootcamp for Independent Trainers and Coaches, September 2021, Europe (The date and venue will be decided by a group of YOU!)

Who needs to be there?

If you qualify to attend this high intensity course you will have at least 6 of the attributes below;

  1. Rating your own proactive dynamism on a scale from 1 to 10, you would give yourself at least a 6
  2. You have enough experience to be a subject matter expert in your chosen field so that content creation is not a limitation to your growth
  3. You have successfully sold coaching / training / mentoring to at least one corporate customer
  4. You have posted unique content on at least one major Social Media platform – Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.
  5. You invest at least 1000 Euro / Pounds / Dollars in personal development and read at least 3 developmental books each year
  6. You have a database of at least 250 people.
  7. You have been in business for at least 2 years
  8. You are passionate about learning and the transfer of knowledge for the betterment of others

The Frustrations you Feel NOW

*When you left academic or corporate life to be an independent you did not expect to simply swap one type of stress for another

*You spend too much time worrying about cash, cash-flow and managing your expenses – This is not what Solo-preneurship was meant to look like

*You sometimes have the feeling that you are caught in a trap of compromised values where you are trading a volume of underpaid work for a fleeting sense of security

*You desire to take control of the quality of your output, your work location, frequency and the reward for the work your perform

*You still feel you are swapping time for money and that you are giving too much time in preparation, unpaid travel and administration in exchange for too little money and peace

*You know you have more in the tank but are not currently able to demonstrate your full talents in the way that you desire

The Course  

Pre Work

We will supply you with a handbook and templates to complete using reflection and thought and to complete the necessary processes to achieve a solid grasp of your identity and purpose. You will also be encouraged to work on your Brand before the live event.

There are webinar recordings that you may access and a pre – training telephone intake session that will boost your confidence as well as making clear what you need to do before the course takes place.

The 2-Day Course

This will be a small and lively group 6 – 12 people working in learning pairs to achieve maximum personal and commercial development during the 2 days.

Identity, Purpose and Brand – We will polish your homework to bring out the shine. What is unique about you? Where can you dominate your niche? How can you articulate your wisdom to everyone’s best advantage?

Feeling Good – Practicing some inner resilience exercises to increase confidence, giving you a feeling of well being and enabling you to project a more powerful persona in the classroom, the networking space and the sales environment.

Marketing Presence – Enjoying what the group has already created and putting some structure to your efforts and explaining the power of the SEQUENCE in marketing.

Old Selling New Selling – Killing your fear of Old Selling and introducing the exciting and comfortable elements of New Selling to dispel worry, increase confidence and motivate the participants to become ever more ambitious in their outbound and off-line activity.

Network Hustle – This highly interactive and creative part of the course will stretch your imagination as you learn to increase the value of ANY opportunity that is presented to you.

Your Charge Out Rates – Probably the most exciting and life changing part of the course for many and the moment when your own perceived value of your work leaps up. We will move you up from modest to confidently demanding more in a safe and sustainable way. In the first course we ran a trainer moved up from charging €500 a day to charging €2,450 a day and GETTING a client to pay them that rate within 90 of completing the course.

Presentation – Whilst this element is covered in depth elsewhere, we have some fun exchanging high impact tricks and exercises that share best practice and take everyone’s presentation level up a notch. The key learning that accompanies this is that public speaking is the number one method for quickly acquiring high value customers.

Informational Products – The value of knowledge based “assets” is driven home and we all make a basic live product in the classroom to prove that it can be done and done easily, cheaply and quickly.

Strategy and Action Plan – The second day ends with a concrete outline of actions, commitments and direction with particular milestones along the way. You will be assigned a learning buddy / study buddy to keep you to your word, keep you on track moving toward your own success and to coach you through the troughs and the darker moments you may experience along the way. 

What do people say about Matthew and his Teaching and Webinars?

“Matthew Hill’s energy, enthusiasm, expertise and humour captivate virtual audiences and get them laughing, thinking and acting…not to mention looking forward to the next opportunity to participate.” – Rosemary Gorman Morley,

Director, The Language of Service, Ireland

I think every entrepreneur who is working from their hearts to reach their audience / customers with all their knowledge and experience deserves to learn from Matthew because he has a unique way of holding the space to make your ambitious, dreams and plans visible and doable. Matthew makes you into a successful entrepreneur by offering his energy, fun and experience to support you in building your new network.

Seydâ Buurman-Kutsal, Diversity and Inclusion specialist, The Netherlands

“Matthew captivates his audience. He is a truly inspiring communicator.”

Bruna Toubia – Senior Coach, Outstep International Partners, Switzerland 

“Not just thought-provoking, but change-provoking. Matthew Hill combines a unique broadcasting style with invaluable practical insights”- Matthew MacLachlan, Training Manager, Farnham Castle Training, Farnham, Surrey, UK

Matthew has an amazing way of turning the business-building process into bite-sized pieces, turning the “impossible” into the “doable” for the participants. He is full of energy and wit – a true motivator and supporter who does not take “No” for an Answer! Vanessa Paisley, Repatriation and Culture Specialist – Austria – UK

“If Matthew can’t kick start you in to action, then you might already be DEAD!” Anne Tilmont, Environmental Expert, Brussels, Belgium

“Matthew’s session was challenging and highly instructive in equal measure! Thank you so much.” Chris Mahill Sharp, Artist, London

“Matthew’s teaching was extremely informative and valuable. I can’t wait for the next session…”

Drieka van Staden, Culture Specialist and Academic, Pretoria, South Africa

“What you’re doing is great, Matthew – Keep it up!” – Peter Anderson, Director, Anderson House – Italy

“….very very good, Mr. Hill – webinars are an ideal platform for you!”

David, The McRae of McRae, Greece

“Matthew’s webinars are brilliant: you find yourself buzzing and thinking about the things you’ve learned a long time after you’ve shut down your computer!” Nicola Weinert, Bertlesmann, Germany

“Thanks for this strong and valuable information packed webinar – It really has made a difference to me…”

Salvador Rodríguez-Gil Batista,
Managing Director PANGEA Cultura®, Mexico

“Great webinar – lively and full of great information.” Susan Salzbrenner, HR Project Manager, Aperian Global, France

“Thank you very much for an enlightening webinar with hands-on advice and a very entertaining mode of presentation” – Ulrich Zeutschel, Commercial Director, Transfer Training, Germany

“Thank you for your enlightening and entertaining training.” – Mario de Leo – Diversity Coach, Freiburg, Germany

“Thank you for your well-presented and smooth webinar. It allowed me to reflect a lot and use your many tips and ideas to give myself the virtual kick I need to start with my project!” Elizabeth Weingraber-Pircher, Founder Kulturelle Consulting, UK

“Matthew is a powerful and engaging trainer who draws people in with his sharp wit, keen intellect and an impressive depth of professional knowledge.” Natasha Aruliah, Senior Diversity Counselor, Vancouver, B.C. Canada

“Matthew is an inspiring and charismatic speaker who possesses a special gift of deep understanding and empathy when dealing with the core issues that All of us are facing every day.” Vilhemine Brown, Visiting Professor – BA Business School, Latvia

What results can I expect from the Small Business Growth Course?

BRAND – You will have leapt ahead in the formulation and articulation of your professional identity and Brand to a level where you feel you own it, feel comfortable talking about it and have a pride and confidence in yourself as a small business owner actively growing in your chosen market place

MARKETING – As you leave the course you will be up to date on what works in Marketing and Social Media. You will understand and be able to populate, launch and deliver a SEQUENCE that Interrupts, engages, education and generates the desire in your target population to take action, connect with you, listen to you and engage in a meaningful dialogue about their training / coaching needs and your core offering.

MODEL – create a unique version of your wisdom, knowledge and experience that can be presented in a memorable an persuasive form.

PRODUCT – You will have successfully made your first recorded information product that can be used as a marketing tool, a gift or a product to be sold.

DATABASE – We will get to grips with databases and you will have a model, strategy and mission to capture, process and use data to keep in contact with prospects, maintain “touches” and convert contacts into customers using the “Drip” methodology.

RATES – You will have the self belief, language and logic to charge MUCH more for your services thus increasing your profit, feeling better about yourself, your work and your customers and taking control of the expansion of your business as your reinvest excess cash in marketing for further growth.

MONTHLY GROWTH AGENDA – You will leave with a system to address key areas such as marketing, sales, sponsorship relationships, teaching quality, reinvestment and continued learning so that you will not slip back into old habit and maintain your trajectory for exciting and sustainable GROWTH.

Examples of what outcomes you can expect…

  • Direct offers of business from the participants attending your webinars and demonstrations
  • Business enquiries and engagements from your newsletter
  • Direct business enquiries generated from your LinkedIn profile
  • Business enquiries from Facebook friends (corporate decision-makers)
  • Business engagements following public speaking appearances
  • Business enquiries from your networking activities
  • Income from the sale of your digital information products and assets
  • Joint-venture income opportunities from new partnership projects
  • A significant boost in your hourly and daily fees
  • An increased sense of wellbeing as you realise you are doing your best work with the best possible people and for a premium rate of pay

Its Action Time

Places are limited so please take action today.

Prices; Tickets start at £749 and include an enormous pre-bootcamp bundle of books, films and activities to build your business before you get to The Bootcamp.

Telephone me Now-

We need a Short Conversation – Before we accept you into the course we need to have a short conversation to ensure that your objectives for attending the bootcamp fit with the group outcome, that the chemistry works and that our content is right for you.

Please e-mail Matthew on to set up a brief Skype or telephone call to make sure the course is right for you and that you are right for the course.

Matthew Hill is on telephone +44 208 682 3430 or +44 754065 9995

We look forward to welcoming you to The Going for Growth Bootcamp Experience.

Trainer Profile – Matthew Hill

With qualifications in training, Psychology, NLP, Training quality and Communication, Matthew has worked with more than 25,500 executives in 30 countries representing more than 80 nationalities. He is a senior intercultural trainer, facilitator, author and professional speaker.

Clients include; Facebook, SAP, EY, Kimberly-Clark, AXA, Aviva, The Science Council, The Australian Government, The UK Government, Jaguar Land Rover, GE, Unilever, Diageo and Tesco.

He has worked extensively in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA,

He is the author of a number of books, “Learn How to LEAD; Believe, Behave & Become”. He contributed the first chapter to Bloomsbury’s new book, “How to Master Negotiation” published in 2015. “Going for Growth in 2018” – A book outlining the 13 Step Blueprint used by ALL successful companies to get the word out, generate recognition and response leading to growth, profit and happiness. “Words Into Actions”  – A powerful tool book containing the majority of persuasive and literary devices used by copywriters today to create invitations and brochures with pulling power and that work . “What’s Stopping You?”  – An Audit / Book to uncover and tackle the key blockers and barriers that currently prevent action and success along with ideas and methods to overcome the blockages and make rapid progress towards goals and constructive outcomes.

He has released a 5 CD boxed set on negotiation “Get More from More; Negotiate to the MAX”, and has produced 12 DVDs and CDs on Leadership and Cultural topics. He also initiated the podcast broadcast, “The Leadership Minute”.

In 2014 he established the not-for-profit ITC – Intercultural Training Channel to help share training and intercultural resources amongst trainers, coaches and intercultural enthusiasts.

In 2012 Matthew won the Crown Intercultural Trainer of the Year Award.

In 2014 he received the (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research) SIETAR UK Lifetime Membership Award in recognition of years of leadership and service.

Thank you

We look forward to seeing you in September 2021.

3 thoughts on “Matthew’s Business Growth Bootcamp for Independent Trainers and Coaches

  1. Pingback: The 4 Products You Need as an Independent Trainer or Independent Coach in 2018. | culture99

  2. Pingback: How to Give a Really Bad Webinar by Matthew Hill | culture99

  3. Pingback: Great minds think …differently – Paisley Communication

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