Credibility Part 1 – What Your Credibility Quotient – CQ – Can Do For You

If you don’t have credibility, will anybody be listening?

When you walk into a room or open your mouth to speak, you are not on zero. The work you have put in before entering and speaking will either amplify or diminish the impact and gravitas of what you say and who “they” think you are. We call this pre-suasional phenomenon, CREDIBILITY

The Crowd.

Your audience are not automatically predisposed to listen to you or take you seriously when you issue a call to action. First, you have to seed the ground, build the tension, and, programme your audience to respond. Ask any successful public performer and they will confirm this – If you just show up and start, everyone will be disappointed.

What is Credibility?

There are many components (when articulating your talent in the form of a story). It exists in the hearts and minds of the listener as a promise, thought, emotion or belief. It is the faith people give themselves in backing you. It is the quotient of trust, loyalty and leverage that you inspire.

What can Credibility do for me?

I am glad you asked.

It gives your words weight. Let’s start with a negative example that too many people have suffered. You will recognize this (and if you don’t, you may be part of the problem.) In a meeting a woman speaks up and makes a valid, salient and actionable suggestion. What happens next? Silence and the train moves on. 15 minutes later, a higher status man makes the SAME suggestion and, this time, the room erupts – Praise, excitement and buy-in follow. HE has saved the day. She does not have leverage in that room. This is not right and it needs to change.

The Answer

Your credibility quotient CQ will lend authority to the words used and suggestions made. It will be listened to, followed, reacted to with respect, and, taken on board as a serious contribution.

Portrait of confident, happy female nurse in hospital hallway

Trust – As an executive, trainer, coach or mediator, you will need to have established a high enough level of trust already if you wish to make your point with impact. The audience must know you have the skills and competence to deliver. They need to feel that you are a positive force amongst them, and, they should hold you in high esteem for keeping your word and performing well in the past. All this will have been established BEFORE you speak.

Credo – When you diligently define your values, essence and purpose, this enables you to articulate them to others and will add depth, width and richness to your reputation. Think about that for a moment. Can it be said of you now? That you stand for something? If so, this means that an audience will listen to you having preselected trust and respect as their default setting. Powerful stuff.

Visible – The whole you, the complex and sophisticated individual that is you is made up of intersectional parts, multiple experiences and emergent values. If you have followed the formula, you and your credibility will come as a package that is accessible to others. (The pragmatic benefit will be the time you save.)

Respect – Everyone has lived a life worthy of note. We have all had to overcome obstacles and carry on. But, the mental shortcuts of unconscious bias or the propaganda of polarising media may have diminished the love you are due. This goes double if you inhabit a marginal or oppressed group. Credibility is the ladder that will get us out of the hole, make us feel whole and let the light shine upon the fully visible version of us – Complete, included, and, represented.

Become a Player – No longer will we sit in the shadows watching the main show acted out by others that possess confidence and privilege, (sometimes masking their lack of depth and competence, and getting away with it.) We will have our time in the sun, and, at the microphone. And, we will be heard.

Inclusion – There exists an overused metaphor – Of being the last one picked for the football team as you stand against the wall with fear churning in your guts. It is an oft-used image because it represents a truth. It does not take much to be overlooked, ignored or side lined. Credibility is the membership pass allowing us to join and belong to key in-groups. It is the door code to influence.

In demand – Dare we go further? Do we want to be listened to and that is it? Have we been standing around outside for too long, excluded; looking in? Is it now time for us to take the lead, make a stand and broadcast our valid, ethical and necessary agenda?

Today, we are surrounded by so many dubious voices that appear to have the herd enthralled and the crowd mesmerized.

It is vital that quiet, marginal voices now speak up. With some investment in building Credibility, important messages and your story will be heard for the first time.

In Credibility Part 2 – We look at the components of credibility

About the Author – Matthew Hill is a Presentation Skills Trainer, Coach and Author, working with a  range of corporate executives and soft skills trainers and coaches.

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Intercultural Training Channel Webinar -Marketing to Get More Training Days – with Less Hassle and No Hustle – With Matthew Hill

Or, “I am now a Good Independent Trainer – So, What Do I Do To Get More Days, And, At A Better Rate?”

Shocked girl eavesdropping.

“I want to hear more Matthew”

You are passionate about helping people resolve their issues and learn to help themselves building new intercultural skills you will teach them. You have accumulated hard won experience and realised your dream of becoming an effective independent trainer. So –

– How will you now build your independent trainer or coaching business?

– How will you network effectively to grow your list of useful and high value contacts?


– How will you get your name and message out there using Social Media to generate qualified and appropriate interest in your independent training and coaching services?


Trapped in a world of cheap subcontract days!

Fear – You dread the idea of becoming an isolated star trainer with next to no clients – unwittingly keeping all your much needed talent away from individuals in need you and who could easily benefit from your experience.

Wish – You know what you dream of;

– To receive warm enquiries from people who ALREADY know who you are, respect what you stand for and are willing to pay a premium to use your independent training and coaching services…because they work.

– You wish to spend less time hustling for business and more time in the flow – conducting successful group and individual training and coaching sessions.

Action – Join Our Webinar – Marketing to Get More Training Days with Less Hassle and No Hustle;

In this 90 minute high energy, content rich and interactive web based seminar, we will cover the 3 areas you need to invest in if your Independent Training / Coaching Service is to grow;


Activity, Organisation and Dynamism

1) Activity – Remember – No effort –> No outcome. We will show you where many new independent trainers and coaches go wrong (and reveal the worst crime of all), and, list the strategies, tactics and moves you must make in order to succeed.

2) Organisation – Building your identity and passion-based professional BRAND, marketing like a pro, and, learning the structures and processes required.

Most people fail with their own attempts or give up before they have built a complete Brand. We will show you where NOT to waste your time and where you need laser focus to generate engagement (its all about getting to the higher levels of engagement.) And, you will learn to build IP assets / informational products using your knowledge, qualifications and experience. Informational products that stand out from the crowd; gain you a reputation as an expert and command attention on Social Media, even as you sleep.

3) Dynamism – We will shake you from your current state of cultural modesty (“I couldn’t possibly do that”) to having you OWN your personal experiences and articulating your deal sheet of past victories in a media friendly way that generates results – incoming warm enquiries. We will make high-octane networking a reality for you and gift you solid marketing ideas. They will work for you and you will have the chance to access the step-by-step process that takes you from “I don’t know how to do that” to, “I have just completed my amazing product, pitch and plan.”

Take Away – By the end of this informative webinar, you will be given at least 3 effective marketing tactics to work on. When you implement them you will benefit from their proven power. And, we will give you the chance to acquire our Independent Trainer Going for Growth Bundle to guide you along the sure and enjoyable path to informational products, a professional identity, an effective brand, positive networking and the generation of valid incoming mediation enquiries.

It’s not for everybody.

We want to speak with the people who will get the most benefit from the webinar so, please do NOT join if you;

– Don’t have a sense of fun and adventure

– Have zero intention of investing in yourself to grow your independent trainer / coaching service

– Possess a closed mind when it comes copywriting and social media. Or,

– Think that clients will find you by magic and telepathy, so none of this is necessary

Still reading? Good.

Vector speedometer scale

Take your days to the MAX

No Cost – There is no fee for attending the webinar and there are limited places. If you wish to expand your independent trainer practice and are ready for the challenge. If you believe in yourself, and want to follow our proven step-by-step guide, then there is only one place to be at 6PM UK time on, 16th October 2018 – 7PM Paris time – 1PM New York – Register now to attend the Marketing to Get More Training Days with Less Hassle and No Hustle Webinar. Click here and follow the instructions;

We look forward to speaking with you on 16th October 2018. It’s a date.

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Collaboration Part 1 – Easy? No. What stands in the way? Matthew Hill

                                    What assumptions and mistakes are we making regarding collaboration? #collaboration #teams #culture #bias #privilege #diversity #leadership #work #benefit #training Our many many … Continue reading

Autumn Webinar – What are the 3 Growth Essentials that will get your Training / Coaching Business Moving in 2019 ??

How would you feel if you could find viable and workable solutions to your 3 biggest problems that are currently stopping you growing your training / coaching business?

Where would you reinvest that extra income that you generate in 2019? And, how would the quality of your life and work improve?

And, What extra value would you deliver to your corporate customers enabling them to experience an increase in their profits, performance and passion?

successful young woman winning with both arms up, copy space

New Webinar – Discover the 3 Growth Essentials that will get your Training / Coaching Business Moving in 2019. Tuesday, 16th October 2018 | 6PM, London time | 7PM, Paris time.

  1. ACTIVITY – This interactive webinar will point out which actions used to work and work no longer. Imagine the time you will save as you divert energy, enthusiasm and your time to modern and high-impact marketing actions that convert strangers to contacts, acquaintances to advocates and LinkedIn connections to paying customers. With the right moves you will interrupt busy professionals to take notice of your authentic message. You will engage with them by speaking THEIR language. You will build a channel to educate them from a place of expertise and you will create a desire in them to access more of YOU.

The measure of your success is simple – when you get your process, branding and communication right, they will “Do as you say and pay as you ask.”

2. ORGANISATION Just because it is simple does not mean than people do it, do it correctly or do it consistently.

From a base of cultural modesty or a fear of rejection, the vast majority of solo-preneurs and small business owners fail to network or hustle sufficiently. They fail to capture data in an effective way. They fail to measure engagement, customer feeling and conversion rates and thus they fail to experience the “drip” of new business as customers come to them as and when the CUSTOMER IS READY.

Remember only 1% – 5% of customers are ready to buy at any one time. The secret is to keep in contact and have a sequence of touch points so that you become trusted and front of mind because you need to be there when THEY ARE READY TO BUY. Put simply, if you stay in contact, you will win further down the road (when everyone else has given up.)

3. DYNAMISM Are you marketing like a 5 Year old? You try everything in an over energetic attempt to change the world in 5 minutes and then collapse in a sweaty heap and declare that life is not fair and that marketing is impossible and does not work?

Modern marketing is about getting organised and then scheduling your activity, your energy and your passion to the best effect. When you develop the mindset of a HUSTLER you will discover how to convert a basic opportunity into a prime one and that means you will access the next level of customer, customer budget and customer decision maker. As you become fluent in the language of modern marketing all your hard work and preparation will actively attract opportunities to your brand, your authentic persona and you will have the chance to articulate your vision and deliver the best of you to the best of the corporate world AND you will qualify OUT the people who will not benefit and qualify IN the elite who will do as you say, pay what you ask and benefit the most from your expertise.

If 2019 is going to be your year what do you need to do? What steps must you take?


Register now for this complimentary high energy and interactive webinar;

woman working

Will you Go for Growth in 2019?

Bring your questions, your passion and a pen. See you for this important growth webinar.


Help! Everyone is a China Expert – by Ardi Bouwers

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To read the rest of Ardi Bouwers’ post and find her blog too, just click on the link;

About the Author – Ardi Bouwers is a China and communication expert. She plays with perspectives, jumping from China to the Netherlands and back, to help her clients deal with those difficult direct Dutch or the cautious circling Chinese, in order to build greater mutual trust and understanding.”

She can be reached via

Independent Trainers – Raising Your Fees – How Can You Successfully Resist Discounting Your Value?

“When you start to discount your product and service fees, you discount yourself” – Matthew Hill, 2018.

Warning – This is a deliberately challenging piece for independent coaches, trainers and mediators – Here we face your fears and habits! If you are feeling brave today – please read on…

As marketing guru, Seth Godin states, discounting represents, “A race to the bottom, and, nobody wants to win that race.”

“Lower your prices!” – The command of many larger companies

Angebot / Sale / Rabatte

Yes, we are asked to lower our prices. Tesco have bullied many a supplier in search of an illusive extra 1% margin. And where are Tesco now? Recovering from a UK scandal around playing fast and lose with numbers and suppliers. Or, GE.

GE famously hit a new moral low in the late 1990s when they asked their hard working and loyal suppliers to enter a reverse auction to compete with each other to offer the cheapest rates for their established a premium quality services. The losers won that round! Damned if they did and damned if they didn’t.

***Shame on all bullying corporations***

(I believe they have seen the error of their ways and now moved from their macho transactional approach to a more relational and strategic one, that, surprise, surprise, serves both parties better.)

Are THEY Discounting?

Do the biggest software providers, retailers and banks offer a 70% discount to their largest customers? – Do they give away the best of what they have because they feel they have no choice and are experiencing a little light bullying? NO!

Then why do we?

When you discount – You devalue.

Eventually, when you, or your market, are fully commoditized, the corporate customer will select their suppliers based on how near, quick and cheap you are. Your premium quality product is now a tin of supermarket tomatoes. End of Story. Again – Is that what you want?

Defend your value

At the moment, there is a bizarre training phenomenon out there, where the webinar version of the classroom experience is being given away at unsustainably low prices. I have no clue who started this, why it continues or why those involved don’t wake up, smell the coffee and correct this damaging business practice. Is all learning devalued by making it remote? Are the corporates deliberately ordering an inferior service from us? What is happening here?

Man holding speedometer with value word. Business concept

Value your value

Supporting your price.

Continuing with the webinar example. The point that is being missed by the discounters is value. Your course either has intrinsic value or it does not. If it does, then it makes sense to highlight that value, defend that value and, logically, charge out at that value.

Cost – One purchasing department argument runs like this – The provider saves money on travel and hotels when they don’t have to perform at a hotel or corporate office, and, they should pass back that saving. Yes and remote learning sessions save the company more money, so that is not a compelling argument. The saving has already been made at their end. There is no need to erode the trainer’s price.

Quality – The real cost is hidden from view. The widespread practice of discounting training rates takes out senior trainers from the marketplace, as they cannot afford to work with these silly rates. When juniors take their place, outcomes deteriorate and the supplier brand is diminished. This then prompts the corporate…to ask for a further discount. Is it only me that thinks this is short termism taken to an absurd degree?

Confidence – Individual trainers, coaches and mediators suffer from imposter syndrome, inferiority complexes and financial scarcity. We need to get over all three. Everybody has imposter syndrome – the only people not affected are the truly deluded. On a good day, you either think your product is worthy or you don’t. If not, you need to plump up your LinkedIn profile and get a job with a salary. If you value yourself, good for you – Now start charging sensible prices. If you are suffering from an inherited poverty script – Deal with it – See the T Harv Ekker Millionaire Mindset film – Link at the bottom.

Young friends having fun outdoors drinking red wine glasses - Happy people eating seasonal local food at harvest time in farmhouse vineyard winery - Youth friendship concept on warm vintage filter


What if we lived in a world driven by fair value, where experts were respected and encouraged to share their wisdom in exchange for reasonable reward? A world where they could give of their very best, knowing they are appreciated and can work without fear, giving openly, partnering with the best, striving for the most productive mutual outcome? How glorious would that be?

Baby steps

The next time a principle or corporate asks you to shave your fee – Stop and think. What does this mean? What is the cost today? And, what will the cost be tomorrow – For you and the business world? Let us value what we do. Let us value ourselves and let us be courageous enough to ask what we are worth.

It begins with self-respect, saying no to discounting and asking for fair value fees.

Negotiation – When you are told you are too expensive – be warned – it is a trap – image what they are really saying is, ”that you need to get on a slippery slope that ends with poverty, frustration and exploitation.”

*Remind them you are not in the tinned tomato business but offer Intellectual Property Assets that are essential to the future of their business.

*Remind them of your qualifications, experience, knowledge and wisdom.

*Expand on the value you provide and move away from price.

*Explain that value is related to the benefit they receive not just the short term damage they can do to you by taking away your money.

*Claim your worth with price and confidence.

*Stick to your guns, employing the broken record approach to communication, and,

*Start to celebrate your new financial independence and recognition. You have earned it.

Good luck claiming your full worth.

About the Author – Matthew Hill helps independent Trainers, Coaches and Mediators build their independent businesses allowing solopreneurs to project the best of themselves to the best audience possible, and, at the BEST RATES. Here is a link to Matthew’s Going for Growth in 2019 coaching bundle.

Film Reference – Here is a great film by T Harv Ekker on poverty and wealth mindsets. Do yourself a big favour – Get the family to block out an hour this week and watch it all together.

Vector speedometer scale

Claim your WORTH