Film Clips – From International Intercultural Students

Tales from A Multicultural Classroom project – Films 

JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Our Tales from A Multicultural Classroom project (Tales) has it’s own channel on Youtube:
Our intercultural communication course for 1st year international business degree students and exchange students introduces a parallel workshop comprising simple video production techniques, including character development, script writing, story-boarding, shooting and editing. The results belong to the students, and they upload the videos to the channel voluntarily. We have had only one instance in which a video was not uploaded due to a student’s objection. Some of their work is shared here.
Here are a few favourites selected by Course Leader, Steve Crawford:
Five students from different nations try to solve the global financial crisis but run into stereotypical challenges:
Intercultural Plagiarism
Based on action research we conducted at our school, we discovered a phenomena we call “cheating without intent,” where students do not set out to cheat but find themselves in difficult circumstances that compel them to make bad decisions:
Dmitri’s Drama
A Russian student finds a difficult path to acculturation, and reaches a crisis point:
Lisa’s Acceptance
Newly off the press… A young girl discovers something new about herself in Finland:
A Cultural Deal
A Finnish girl finds herself in Italy to close a deal, and returns home empty-handed. (this video is often used with our critical incident analysis tool)

Pune, India – Intercultural Competence 4.0, 17th-18th February 2018. Call for Papers.

SIETAR India Intercultural Competence 4.0

SIETAR India Intercultural Competence 4.0

Sunita cordially invites you to submit your intercultural abstracts to present a 60 or 90 minute interactive session or give a 20 minute TED style talk.
Do please send your submissions to by 30th September 2017.
Thanks from the the Sietar India team
Sunita Nichani
President, Sietar India

Deeply Disconnected: Our public and private selves (and our brains) in the age of continuous connectivity with Sue Shinomiya

A film of the Webinar

Creating connectedness – with myself, among people, in the world – is one of my deepest desires. As practitioners, we share a responsibility to bridge across cultural differences and bring people together. And yet, all too often, I experience the exact opposite: feeling deeply disconnected. Why does it hurt so much? It doesn’t help that the boundaries and parameters around what is private and what is public seem to have shifted. Is “sharing” the same as connecting, and have we become addicted? The social media and technology that’s supposed to connect us has also made us keenly aware of stark differences. For me, for our community, for humanity, and for this planet, disconnection in an interdependent world is not sustainable. How can recent neuroscience discoveries inform us about the complex social and emotional dilemmas that we face, especially as we navigate and bridge across cultures and differences? In this talk, we trade stories, new theories, ideas and reflections, and ask some thought-provoking questions for you to ponder.

See the film at; 

About the Speaker Sue Shinomiya

Ms. Shinomiya, MBA, of Global Business Passport empowers global professionals to connect, lead and succeed across cultures and differences. She is a leading expert and published author on Japanese culture and business. Her current work includes high-energy, engaging programs – live and virtual – related to Asia, North America, Latin America and Europe, as well as a range of business programs on leading and getting things done effectively and respectfully in an increasingly global, diverse and complex world of work. She is currently an Adjunct Faculty Member of Portland State University’s Masters in International Management program, and has enthusiastically served on the Board of Directors of SIETAR-USA.

Quote from Sue: “I firmly believe in the power of connecting with others, respecting both similarities and differences, as a means towards creative achievement, and a broader, more fulfilling human experience.”

Sue Shinomiya

Interculturalist and Japan Expert Sue Shinomiya

We hope you enjoy the film.

The Journey to Harmony in a Small French Town – The Story of Mozaiq with Natalie Lutz 

A Film of the Webinar

This unique recording tells the story of turning a small French town experiencing local attitudes of division, hatred and fear into a more harmonious community displaying cooperation and healthy levels of co-existence.

Listen to Natalie’s tale as she experiences push back, frustration and resentment before finally breaking through to something worthy and, possibly repeatable, in YOUR town too.

Natalie Lutz

Interculturalist Natalie Lutz

About the Speaker – Natalie Lutz has been helping executives and international corporations understand cultural differences and work effectively together for over 25 years. Born and raised French-American, she is bilingual, bicultural and has lived in 4 countries. She trains consults and facilitates sessions on:  Working in a Multicultural environment, Leadership, and Expatriations to France and the USA as well as Team-building.

In 2010 she created and co-founded Mozaiq, an association dedicated to celebrating diversity in a small town outside of Paris. Each year she and her team put on 4 events including a Diversity Day which repeatedly draws crowds of more than 700 participant

To access the YouTube film click here;