Matthew’s Going for Growth Bootcamp Day in Basel, Switzerland – Saturday 6th April 2019 – With Early Bird Deal

For Independent Trainers Who Wish To Experience Faster Growth And Enjoy Higher & Sustainable Income

Matthew's Going for Growth Bootcamp, Basel, 6th April 2019

Matthew’s Going for Growth Bootcamp, Basel, 6th April 2019

What is the Going For Growth Bootcamp?

We intend to deliver an intense one day Bootcamp group training / learning day in Basel on 6th April 2019. And, to make the day effective, we will also provide you with supporting materials and guidance before you arrive, in the form of simple, remote pre-work. You can do as much or as little preparation as you like before you attend the day.

On the day, we will look at your professional identity and brand, illustrate how informational products and social media can help to build your tribe / crowd / database, and, see how your philosophy can be expressed in the best way through your communication, to get your message out and attract the best people to your offering.

Our support package includes short handbooks, coaching, an action plan and a library of materials including helpful films. You can book just the day or buy the package and the day. The choice is yours. Are you an experienced professional, possibly with no published informational assets yet, and, not quite enough clients? The Basel Bootcamp day will teach you how to become a more confident, independent solopreneur / entrepreneur – Owning your own bundle of knowledge based assets, a functioning and proven marketing / sales process, and, thus benefiting from a healthy supply of warm incoming business enquires supporting the growth of your profitable independent business.

The Going for Growth Bundle and Bootcamp will enable you to experience a good quality of life – QOL, in which you feel time-rich, financially well rewarded for the work you do, whilst being independent, happy and fully expressed in your professional life.

Is this you?

Are you an independent solopreneur trainer or coach, a passionate service or product provider, keen to expand your businesses (and, a speaker of English!)

When should you come to the Bootcamp?

You have already started your business, found your first customers and delivered your first product / services. And you have now accumulating enough work experience to be effective independently and wish to accelerate your rate of growth. And, you are hungry to get “start to finish” help that will ensure that you do the right things, avoid the wrong things and have assistance and support, as you move from “newbie” to establishing yourself and your business in your chosen field.

What is the benefit for you?

As far as we are aware, this is the ONLY complete system on the market that has a beginning, a middle, and, an end, allowing the individual to actually build all that they need to generate a warm, current and qualified pipeline of incoming business enquiries.

We think it is the ONLY template available that allows the independent operator to construct a viable business in 60 action days, meaning that you can plan when you will work on building your informational assets, your marketing and selling structures and you can confidently predict your own end-date for this building process.

And, it is the ONLY offer that comes with live access to experts when required. This is not a “remote guru” programme where the main expert is separated from the learners.

Matthew's Going for Growth Bootcamp, Basel, 6th April 2019

8 presents for you in 1 great bundle

Going for Growth Bundle Offering – The Offer Support Materials List;

  1. Going for Growth in 2019 – A short 13 Part Handbook including 130 guiding coaching questions
  2. Matthew’s 5M Marketing Success Model – The Business Growth Accelerator Elements
  3. What’s Stopping You? Audit – A resource to get the independent business owner beyond their Self Limiting Beliefs – SLBs
  4. Marketing Effectiveness AuditA quick test to see what has already been created.
  5. 60-Day Business Build Action “Postcards”The Template for building a business from nothing to generating warm incoming enquiries
  6. Coaching Support – A number of live 45 to 70 minute coaching sessions helping independents to get passed their issues, blockers and problems
  7. Mastermind Group Clinics – A Remote deep dive into specific topics that the group are struggling with
  8. Basel Bootcamp, Saturday, 6th April 2019 – The Bootcamp experience that brings great people together, supported by The Going for Growth Bundle

TAKE ACTION – Contact Matthew if you are interested via today

More Details on the 8 Parts

  1. Going for Growth in 2019 – Short 13 Part Handbook with 130 coaching questions

Outlining the concepts of the 13-Step Blueprint that EVERY successful business must follow, build and maintain to survive, grow and make money. This book will help you get your head in the game and show the scope of the work that is required. It contains gentle and reflective coaching questions at the end of each of the 13 parts to help you expand awareness of what your business requires before you start your big build.

2. Matthew’s 5M Marketing Model – Business Growth Accelerator

MP4 Film expanding on the 5MsMeet – Your identity pitch, Message – Your published book stating your credo, essence and offer – Make – The importance of creating assets – products that transfer value – Market – A marketing sequence that generates warm enquiries for you – Mastermind Group – Joint Venturing and collaborating with complementary operators in a related field. This film aims to educate and inform you about what is required in the next phase. Punchy and to the point, you will learn more about the 5 Ms and what each element can do for you to help you create the business you want.

3. What’s Stopping You? Audit

This book represents an invaluable tool to help you complete your journey. From identifying the thoughts that are blocking you to overcoming and getting over your doubts and fears, to leap forward toward action, product creation, funnel design and profitable independence. Some say that this is the most freeing part of the whole programme.

4. Marketing Effectiveness Audit

Your Marketing Asset Checklist

You will be surprised at how much of the list you have already started, created or have “somewhere”. You can build upon this and finish quickly once you understand the whole picture, what your assets do and what is required to complete your business build.

5. 60-Day Business Build Action “Postcards”

The aim here is to guide you through your build in the LEAST POSSIBLE TIME AND NUMBER OF STEPS

We set you up ready to;

  1. a) Plan your next months with a paper calendar placed somewhere visible, such as on your fridge, with your 60 highlighted action days.
  2. b) Schedule your power postcard workdays on your fridge calendar. One a day, 3 a week or whatever will fit with your work schedule, family life, travel plans, etc.
  3. c) Get your partner and child to bully you into keeping discipline, preparing to do the work and staying on track to complete your active build to completion 60 Day Business Build Calendar on your fridge

Where does this fit in? You will have expanded your marketing mind in the first section (Going for Growth etc.) and will be broadly aware of what you need to do, who you are, etc. The 60 – Day Business Build is the time to commit and hold firm to a practical and powerful SCHEDULE, working in a focused and professional way to build up your marketing and informational assets.

Every week you will receive a specific set of task instructions that will take you from, “I don’t have a clear idea of what to do” to, “Wow, I have just built a business in just over two months.”

6. Coaching Support

You will probably run into some blockers or technical issues around Sequencing, Identity & Brand, Offering or Target Audience. Most people do.

At this critical phase, you will receive the support you need with 2 45 to 70 minute coaching calls to move you passed any blockages, obstructions or issues. Just schedule a Gotomeeting session and an expert will help you through.

7. Mastermind Group Clinics

The topics to be discussed will by chosen by YOU – The Mastermind Group Members – 3 to 7 people in each cohort.

These interactive, educational deep dives aim to explore specific subject areas in greater detail, lay out the actions required with clarity and pragmatic simplicity to get the group beyond any mental or technical issues that they are experiencing.

Come to sunny Basel

Come to sunny Basel, 6th April 2019

8. Basel Bootcamp Event

Matthew’s Going for Growth Business Bootcamp, Saturday, 6th April 2019, An intensive session (IN ENGLISH) to help you work on, complete and accelerate your build, start your marketing sequence and fill in any gaps that you have.

We will make products, hone your brand and take you from 35 – 70% of the way there to almost all of the way there (And, ALL the way there, if you manage to complete all your homework!). BTW – In this way, the get together generates the most productive of outcomes for you.

Money – Back Guarantee

If you join the programme, complete the course work, and, after 9 months, have not made back at least twice the income that you paid for the programme in customer revenues, then, Matthew will be return to you, what you paid for the bundle and bootcamp. So, there is no financial risk.

Cost – We provide two options? –

A, Just the Basel Bootcamp Day – Price – £395.00 Or,

B, The 8 Element Going from Growth Bundle AND Bootcamp, including the event, coaching support, Bundle Materials and your full money-back guarantee – £895.00

Super Early Bird Offer – If you book TODAY, we offer you this one-time special price of £295 for, just the Bootcamp day, (or), £495.00 for the whole programme and 8 part package Please. Note; to qualify for this discount, you must book and complete payment of the PayPal invoice we will send you, by the 5th March 2019.


We think we have thought of everything that the new and growing business owner needs to know to successfully build up their independent training business to completion and to generate a valuable in-flow of warm new customer enquires.


If you wish to have a personal one-to-one conversation with Matthew to discuss whether this is the right course for you, simply E Mail to to set up a brief call or call +44 7540 65 9995 and leave your details.

Matthew's Going for Growth Bootcamp, Basel, 6th April 2019

Matthew’s Going for Growth Bootcamp, Basel, 6th April 2019

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MPs Brexit Divorce End of Term Report, Grade; D – Must Try Harder

Into the Valley of Stupidity Rode the 600, MPs

Warning – Contains Humour, flashing lights and insults for BOTH Labour and the Conservative Party – It is Insult Inclusive!

Must Try Harder – Poor Communication

600 MPs campaigned for the UK to remain in the EU. They did so because it made sense for trade, defence, jobs and the NHS.

And they did such a poor job of campaigning that, evil marketing genius, Dominic Cummings and the Leave campaign, easily kicked their collective arses and won. Ouch.

Must Try Harder – Arrogance

Before getting D – for communication skills, they cockily assumed that no one would be exposed to 1000,000,000 Facebook adds containing, persuasive, attractive but wholly untrue slogans – Take back control, Britain for the British, A Leave vote will save the NHS, We will get back our lost UK Sovereignty, Save the bendy banana, etc. MPs assumed an easy referendum victory and then overcommitted – The Government did not set the bar high enough requiring a 66% result before a constitutional change was triggered – Even, not-so democratic Turkey, managed that. They said that this vote would be final, thus changing an advisory referendum into a vehicle allowing the educationally deprived British public to make direct British law for the first time in history – INSANE.

Must Try Harder – Rat-Ification

And then the Labour leadership got behind job reductions, economic recession, loss of foreign investment, NHS staff shortages and the Tory and right wing media ideological coup that is Brexit, saying they would deliver a secret rainbow, paradise and unicorn version of Brexit where Bambi’s mum would be brought back to life and everyone would go to work on hover-scooters. (You can’t say that I am wrong because no one has ever seen their plan!)

Must Try Harder – Forget Britain

And whilst this shaming and shameful charade has been playing out, like the end of the Roman Empire – None of the real British issues have been dealt with. We have lost time, money and the political will to sort out key systemic UK problems because these very British issues have all now been blamed on Brussels – INSANE.

It was not Brussels that made some regions of the UK poorer than others – The EU offered salvation to these troubled poor spots with regional EU investment money. After Brexit, that cash lifeline will now disappear. They did not cut Government support for local councils by 60% – The UK Government did that to top up the coffers after bailing out failed UK banks after the 2007 – 2008 UK / US Sub-Prime bank scam. It was the UK Government that chose to let in all the EU workers in 2004 – They were needed then and are needed now to fill jobs, work hard and make a net positive tax contribution to this country – We could have controlled the flow of incoming hard workers at ANY time. There has never been a Brussels / EU legal directive that Britain has disagreed with. Why should there be? Why would 27 reasonable states cook up a law that was repellent to us? They wouldn’t. And we have always had a veto on adopting new EU laws anyway. Even the UKs stupidest negotiator, Dumb David David David Davies admits that we have never disagreed with any new EU laws, “It is the principle”, he says with the sort of simple arrogance that makes you want to cry, laugh and puke, all at the same time.

Must Try Harder – Selfish Selfish Selfish

MPs and Head MPs continue to put job security and their personal ambitions before country. This is, morally…treasonous. TMPM just and only wants to hold on to her job for another week, and another week, and another week. That is all – She does not want consensus, a great deal for business, solutions for the regions, or a safe and protected NHS. No – Just her job, for one more week. Last week was proof of that with, “I will go off to Brussels to ask them to re-open the closed UK-EU negotiations and remove the backstop, which took 2 long years to agree upon.” Impossible (or as the right wing press would tell you – A great victory of TMPM) All she wants is the PM job… for another week.

Funniculì funniculà dancing in the office

My Local MP

Must Try Harder – Jezza

F knows what he wants. A not so secret Euro super sceptic, he has played an awful tactical long game, hoping not to be PM (he never wanted that) but for labour to walk over the bombed out Tory rubble of a failed Brexit, into power and Government. A fairly avoidant strategy, based, not on his successful leadership (there hasn’t been any) but depending on Tory humiliation and British people leaving their Brexit CULT of their own free will (Maybe he needs further education on Cults to realise that people trapped on the inside of them almost never leave of their own free will.)

Oops – What he didn’t reckon on was the uselessness of MPs, the power of the media to make Brexit still seem like a reasonable option (Brexit was at no time a better economic plan than staying in the EU. There was never a Brexit plan. There couldn’t be one, and, there is not going to be a better choice than trading from WITHIN the EU, any time soon.)

God knows why JC wants an election – TMPM would probably get an outright majority by the time the press has made Jezza into Soviet Satan and the majority of good British people finally admitted that they STOPPED THINKING, READING OR CARING about Brexit, sometime in Autumn 2016 and now, simply, wanted it all to be over.

Must Try Harder – Facts Fact Facts

All the facts are against what 600 MPs are going to do next – MPs will now be fully complicit in grinding out some sort of half-cock divorce with the EU, and, then grinding grinding out 5 to 10 years of post divorce EU trade negotiations with 27 states, where UK PLC will move either from, our current, First Class and Beneficial EU trade agreement to a Second or Third Class Non-Beneficial Agreement. – MPs will now “help” their 70 million constituents by deciding whether we shoot ourselves only in one foot, in booth feet OR, in the head! That is what our 600 MPs will decide for us. Well worth their £77,000 salary, topped up with some dodgy expense claims. And, well worth our votes and continuing support…?