7 Ways To Support Your Super Premium Offer Price with Matthew Hill

Going for Growth in 2021 – Let’s go back to school with a bang

The main point of being an independent trainer, coach or mediator is to take more control of your life. And, charging enough to allow you some free time is a critical part of this. Whether you want to be a super high earner, blend free time with work in a more healthy way, or, set up a pro bono surgery, getting to a place where you can comfortably charge more is important.

In this post we explore 7 ways to support you charging a premium price or, even, a SUPER premium price.

And, at the end we talk about an opportunity to meet up at an event in Malaga too.

  1. Identity – This may sound simple but, every year, I meet many who have not completed their identity build with clarity or sufficient power to confidently charge more. Essentially you must project yourself as just one thing – An expert – deeply experienced and knowledgeable on one subject. Quite frankly, you need to be perceived as the leader in your field. Here lies the secret to charging a super premium price. Do you have a model, a special technique? Do you have unique content, a better methodology? Does your way work best? Take some time to work on these elements and your invoices will grow to a freeing level before next summer.

    Quickening of Inner Palette

    Paint yourself as THE expert!

  2. Brand – What is a brand? There are 1000 answers. For the here and now, it is an increase in heart rate for the viewer, accessing your marketing material and content. They must get excited watching you in your YouTube video. They must connect their dreams to the outcomes you describe. It is necessary to eliminate the gaps in your brand story and present a joined up journey for your chosen tribe. BTW – Not everybody can do this for themselves.
  3. Super Copy Writing. Killer Text Is Key. When you write well for others, they will think well of you. When you structure your communications using the Super Copy Formula, they will come knocking on your door.
WORDS ARE POWER hand-lettered quotation

The 14-Point Super Copy Formula

Price is a function of supply and demand.

If your offer is oversubscribed, your offering can support a super premium price. Of course – getting from regular work volumes to positive busy-ness (50 days at a 100 cash units rather than 100 days at 50 cash units) requires a specific and proscribed process, much of which relies not on what you write but how and in what order you present it. When you follow the Super Copy Formula for your written texts, the extra cash will become available to you.

  1. Great Content. You need to rearrange your content to be telepathic, sympatico and aligned with your perfect customer, what they want, when they want it. And, deliver it in the way that works for them. Too quick, too soon or too simple / complex and they will give up on you and start moaning. Leading your best students through to completion and success – that is only possible with great content and great process. The best content is pitched right, transfers knowledge effectively and is fully absorbed to be available and applicable by the student.
  2. Products Product Products. Regular readers will know, I am obsessed with turning your experiences into assets to earn you attention, brand brownie points, engagement, sales, income and advocacy. When you have a film, audio or text product, you take your level and your charge rate UP. It really is that elegant. And, creating products comfortably, cheaply and quickly is, today, a piece of cake.

    Analog microphone with recording equipment in the control room.

    Products Product Products

  3. Building Your Tribe – I spoke to a young coach of coaches recently and she spoke about going wide to make sure you have something for everybody and can thus earn money. WRONG. To start with at least, it is all about the one thing, delivered with care, to the one audience. Finding your avatar, ideal market segment and small customer niche is essential if you desire to charge a premium price. If you are all things to all men, you will be COMMODITISED and that means your customers will expect you to be near, convenient, quick and CHEAP. Yuk. When you cater solely for your niche, you take back control, become a healthy equal partner with your client, and, you will be allowed to negotiate for a convenient time, a better rate and a greater level of respect and engagement. Super premium rates are not about greed. They are about getting you the respect your experience deserves.
  4. Give More – When you crank up your prices, unsurprisingly, your customers will expect more. Give it to them. Guarantee all your work. Add extra value to your offering. Listen to them and adapt. Tailor your service so that it works for them. Go the extra mile / kilometre. Value is a function of Benefit over Cost. V= B/C. When you understand that you will be keen to double the customer benefit and therefore double your price – Pragmatism.


As we think with some dread about “going back to school”, and, before we become swallowed up with low quality urgency, there exists, now, a brief moment to reflect on your next year and ask, “Am I providing the best service I can, to the most interesting people out there?” “Am I being paid what I am worth for my experience, charisma and ability?” And, if not, “What am I going to change?”

If you are currently being paid a super premium price for doing what you love, I need to ask you a favour. Please share your wisdom and experience with someone younger, so that they can reach your level with a little less experimentation.

If you are contemplating the end of summer with horror, and, are still swapping time for average money (most people are), then do read our other ITC posts for Independent trainers, coaches and mediators. They will help you build your business, charge what you are worth, work in a way that suits you and connect the best of you to the best people out there.

It would be great to hear from you

Do get in touch with me directly. Do email, Matthew Hill at matthew.hill@hillnetworks.com and we can set up a short telephone conversation in a week or so.

Thanks. Finally. Please like and share if you have taken value from this post.

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Putting Together The Shortest Business Winning Marketing Sequence Possible with Matthew Hill

Will you take up the €10 Challenge?

We sometimes set a simple exercise in the Going for Growth Bootcamp. The task is to design a marketing sequence that generates a profit of €10.

It sounds a bit silly but the point is this. If you can get your products, voice and marketing together for this simple exercise – THEN – €10, €1000 or €10,000 will become a possibility for you very soon!

Vorderseite neuer Zehn Euro Geldschein aus der Europa-Serie

Will you take up the €10 Challenge?

Where to start?

If you have a friendly, warm and GDPR compliant database start here. You are putting out feelers to them to sound out their interest or invite them to some form of interaction / demonstration that will take them from “know you” to, “like you, trust you and understand your offer.” That is quite a leap in one contact so it had better be a warm and fruitful encounter…


There is a 14-Point invitation formula that works. Elements include connection, hopes and fears, 3 points of education, scarcity and a Call To Action – CTA. The formula works. And, when I say works, I mean it will be 10 times as affective as a nice and polite letter that a non-marketer would send out.

WAFE Warm And Fruitful Encounter

  1. Interactive speech – Here you gather them in a space and, with a special presentation formulation and sequence, help them to deepen their sense of need and lack and therefore create a gap in their lives that can ONLY be filled by your product or service.

    Microphone over the Abstract blurred photo of conference hall or seminar room with attendee background, Business meeting concept

    Speaking is the number one converter of colds to customers

  2. Selling Webinar – Again with the right content and sequence, you can easily sell to your warm crowd that you have developed and captured in your database. (Filling up your database with warm contacts is dealt with elsewhere.)
  3. Demonstration – My day job is leadership and talent training – The obvious demonstration of my work will be a short training course – If the prospect is less that 2 hours away, I offer a live half-day and we all play nicely. And, if they are further afield, I provide an educational demonstration session via webinar. What will you demonstrate?

Call To Action

With these WAFEs I am aiming to shorten the warming process, accelerate the trust building path and get the client qualified in (or out) at lightning speed.

Take it Off-Line

The aim is to have a warm and qualified prospect talking to you about your offer. It can be a tiny one – A book, or, it can be a large one – A transformation and change programme. It does not matter. The key is to get into a one-to-one interaction where you can match your selling communication with their buying process and reach a mutually beneficial outcome.

Matthew Hill culture trainer 07540659995

Take it off-line


In less than 500 words you have read an overview of a minimalist marketing sequence that WORKS. I hope that is efficient enough for you. I know you are busy. If you wish to talk about the 14-Point invitation structure and how you could adapt it for your business, do feel free to give me a call. +44 7540 65 9995.

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Thanks, Matthew

About the Author – Matthew Hill is a trainer, coach and public speaker helping trainers, coaches and mediators to build their business, reach profitable independence and give back to society.



What Can You Put On Your Conference Speaker Table To Win More Business? with Matthew Hill

From a bare table to client magnetic attraction in 7 items or less

There comes a moment in every speaker’s career when the event organiser in a bright and cheery voice says with a positive and upbeat tone, “And, we have given you a large table in the exhibitors area for your books and materials.” Gulp! – And, they expect you to be happy and excited by this prospect…


You have nothing to put on it!

Capturing people with marketing

Bring your prospects nearer!

Here are 7 ideas to get that vast surface area covered with value allowing you to beam out a shining light to the room, attract the right sort of people to your table, engage with them and make your first “speech with table” moment a springboard that generates more speeches, further high paid engagements and acts as a effective opportunity to expand your contact list with high value targets and develop a new #BFF (Business Friend Forever.)

  1. Booklet – The single quickest way to cover a few square feet of blue velvet is to take one of your top tips posts (like this one), expand it and publish it in booklet form. Add in your credo and contact details and, suddenly, you will have moved up from the newbie slot to being a professionally prepared presenter with presence. Google “print on demand booklets” and you will get a vast choice – instantprint, printexpress, digitalprinting, tradeprint, blurb, cpi-print, printondemand-worldwide, bookbaby, bookprinting etc.

Most have options to upload your copy and artwork, edit on screen, play with size, paper quality etc. and then, just push the button and wait for your booklets by the front door.

Display multiple copies on your table and think about how you will use them to attract passing trade, engage with your target audience and make a meaningful connection.

  1. Logo Board – You have not been asked to set up a 5000 £,$ or € trade fair booth but this tip will make you feel as if you are moving into the 3D marketing collateral space like a pro. A couple of A4 boards with your logo on will really start to give your table height and make it visible from further away – Essential for catching the eye of serious decision makers.

First. Do you have a logo? If not or yours is a source of constant embarrassment, the quickest way to generate something of quality is to go out to a company such as logodesignguarantee, theprecisiondesign, designcrowd, londonlogodesigns, logosymmetry or, smashinglogo etc. The normal process involves providing a detailed brief of your company, offering and desired look, and, paying for the number of versions and revisions you require. Most agencies give this first bit away cheaply, hoping to get their money back with your first higher value, print order for writing paper, large trade stand banners etc. later.

Second. Now, when you have your desired design, you can get your simple A4 boards printed and delivered by vistaprint, supersizeprint, printroom-largeformat, onwarddisplay, jarbals etc.

I prefer a one at either end approach with the option of a logo board in the middle as well.

  1. Attraction Magnet – The days of outrageous giveaways are sadly gone (or happily gone if you were the one paying for them.) Now it is about simplicity. Long-range attractors aim to catch the eye of someone at a distance and bring them closer. Examples include a tall bunch of flowers in a vase, a glass bowl full of fruit, the obvious plate of sweets / cookies and the sure fire winner (but do watch out for stampedes) – A large round glass bowl of those red Lindt chocolate balls. Hint – don’t put all the goodies out at the same time or you will be stuck with an empty bowl for most of your time standing at your table.
  2. Voucher Offer – When your prey is a little nearer, they can be enticed to walk into your lair with a visible value voucher. I like to print an offer on top of an A4 picture of a green €100 note. It looks like oversized money, will raise a smile and can get people reading. Find a high quality digital image from fotolia, istock, shutterstock, depositphotos or, gettyimages, etc. Your prospects can take it away and show their colleagues too, thus increasing your range and eyeball hit rate.
red christmas coupon holded by hand over white

Nothing says, “I love you” like a voucher

The offer must be strong enough to generate action remotely, be deliverable by you, and, be relevant enough to your audience to attract the right quality of responder – Remember, ambulance chasers and idea magpies are not your target audience.

  1. The Wine Cooler Raffle – This is where you fire your big guns. You need your prey to come in close and hear your pitch. “Today we have a raffle prize – A no cost demonstration of our XXX. We will come to you and show you etc. etc.”

The offer should be of high perceived value to the RIGHT potential customer. It should be part of your sales and marketing funnel. And, it should be different from the table to the left and right of you.

Collect their business card and maybe note down their name on a sheet too. You might even be bold enough to grab a signature for GDPR purposes.

Blue satin, silk, texture background

Fill your Blue Velvet Table with Value

  1. Invitation to your Next Event – The king of sales funnels and successful promotion, Michael Port, asks his students to, “Always have something to invite potential customers to.” And he is right. What event can you create that will follow on shortly after your table and speech moment? The simplest to arrange at short notice is a fun and high-energy webinar tackling an irritating problem experienced by your audience. The invitation like, 5. can be printed on a photo of something appealing.
  2. Pens with your Number – Problems encountered here can be the number you have to order – no one wishes to have 479 pens left over after preparing for a one-time speech with table event. Or the quality of the pen – The £3 Vistaprint pens are horrible with splodgy ink messing up the customer’s writing experience – a definite brand diluter not a brand builder. You decide whether you want your number or E Mail on the pen. What will present the lowest barrier to taking action for your prospective customer?


I hope you have enjoyed reading this post and that we have inspired you to fill your table with visible value so that you can attract great decision makers to within talking distance and can convert strangers into repeating customers, raving fans and advocates of you and your offering.

Please like and share this post. And, pass it on to the nervous new speaker in your community who has just been told, “And, we have given you a large table in the exhibitors area for your books and materials.”

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About the Author – Matthew Hill is a keynote speaker, trainer and facilitator who started out with a one-product table and now has a carload of collateral to decorate his client magnet table with. Contact Matthew via E Mail; matthew.hill@hillnetworks.com

How to Build Your Independent Business Crowd, Tribe, Contact List and Database (in the new world of GDPR) with Matthew Hill

“Remember – No Database = No Business” Quote from Genghis Khan, 1227 #growth #GDPR #list #database #crowd #tribe #expand #marketing #sales #culture #speaking #trainer Let us start with a shocker – GDPR Update. I think GDPR was a GOOD thing … Continue reading

“Coaching with career and AI in mind” A new book by Coach and Interculturalist, Adina Tarry.

Finding your space, being resourceful and keeping optimism in this expanding digital age.

This intense and packed book attempts to bring together a cross-disciplinary view linking the individual to the wider context of the modern digital world, as we face new challenges and opportunities in our working life, in a world in flux, impacted by technology and at the cusp of the 4th industrial revolution.


Coaching with Careers and AI in Mind.

Adina Tarry shares with us her experiential findings from more than 2500 hours of coaching with over 600 individuals. She explores key themes such as: personality, invisible drivers and values, age, personal branding and working internationally. Tarry employs research and scientific models to support her experiential findings. Probably the most useful part of the book is her digest of a large body of research on the wide impact of artificial intelligence and robotics, not only on work but also on education, governance, regulation, society and capitalism itself. All this is pitched at the individual, outlining their options in this wider system.

No book is perfect and this one could be seen as overly ambitious, attempting to tackle a vast array of subjects in a limited space.

How does it end?

The last chapter, far from being pessimistic, presents a constructive view of the future, shouts out a call to action and contains an optimistic message for the building of a resilient and flexible self, able to work through the changes and volatility that is coming.

Adina seems to have softened some theory and case studies to make the book readable, digestible and applicable. The narrative is in plain language making it accessible to both interculturalists and a wider audience – students to professionals, coaches, parents and HR practitioners and psychologists – anyone who takes an active interest in the way their working life is going to change in the future.

Overall, Adina Tarry’s book provokes thought and feeling in equal measure and is a practical tome that will certainly help those helping others or whom, personally, are moving through transition or doubt in their careers.

Getting the book

Follow this link: https://www.routledge.com/Coaching-with-Careers-and-AI-in-Mind-Grounding-a-Hopeful-and-Resourceful/Tarry/p/book/9781782205838

About the Author.

Adina Tarry is a Romanian born Coach and Interculturalist, who having lived in 5 countries, now works in London.

Coach and Interculturalist Adina Tarry