Book Review “The Learner’s Journey – Storytelling as a Design Principle to Create Powerful Learning Experiences.” Written by Bastian Küntzel Review by Matthew Hill

“Identity is the story we tell ourselves”

Bastian Küntzel, Interculturalist, trainer and volunteer, has pushed himself to produce a practical book, that reflects its subject matter, is fit for purpose, and, keeps the audience engaged all the way to the end. Just like a good story.

Success – The book works. Imagine if this tome had failed to keep the reader turning the pages or left the trainer / coach / presenter more confused than when they started!

A journey to wisdom

Tone – The author adopts an intimate style with self-deprecation, revealing honesty and scattered references to Hollywood films that we all know – Harry Potter, Die Hard, Lord of the Rings, Iron Man, etc. We are drawn into this cosy fireside chat (the worked examples in the book’s appendix include old barns and wood burning stoves to add to this feeling), as we begin to join Bastian in his story and journey.

With references to the works of Daniel Kahneman, Joseph Campbell and Yuval Noah Harari, the author provides evidence that he has read widely, dived deep, and, is up to date with his sources and research. The authors are sited in footnotes at the bottom of each relevant page. A bibliography at the end would have been a nice addition.

He deconstructs their models to form his own philosophy around identity, learning, motivation and change, and, does so in a clear, rational and appealing manner.

The Hero’s Journey – We start with the 17 common elements of all stories as collected, analysed and explained by the great Joseph Campbell. With liberal reference to George Lucas who famously used Campbell’s schema to produce the most successful film franchise in the history of cinema – Star Wars, we understand why Bastian adapted the title of Campbell’s most famous work and named the book – The Learner’s Journey.

We then move to Dan Harmon’s updated and truncated model with 8 phases of the voyage.

1. Protagonist

2. Need

3. Go

4. Search

5. Find

6. Take

7. Return, &,

8. Change

The supposition is that this universal structure, found all over the world, in all cultures and throughout time, provides a robust template for training design.

To prove this point, the author spends the rest of the book matching Harmon’s stages to the student’s learning journey and suggests activities, criteria and pitfalls for each step along the way. This unique approach aims to help the classroom pupil to change, transfer and re-integrate into their workplace.

There are some fun moments – The holding of a “Fuck-up” night during an off-site multi-day training – A sort of improv, open mic session where story telling on the theme of how it all went wrong leads to bonding, positive vulnerability and the parking of egos for the duration of the course.

Criticism – Whilst the book is a light, informative and a well-intentioned effort – the model does not always fit the facts, the training purpose, or, the audience. The 3 examples at the end mostly fit but do not 100% conform to the stages of Harmon.

Audience – This book will appeal to those trainers, facilitators, teachers and coaches, that have enough experience to be able to put together a course for themselves – A beginner may be overwhelmed by having to adapt to the various stages and resign, disheartened.

Personally, I identified with the stages and found myself beginning to brainstorm activities and exercises that would fit the 8 parts and found plenty of ideas to insert into each stage.

Conclusion – This is a clean, simple and useful book that will help the passionate trainer, looking to improve or perfect their design craft to take their classroom delegate’s experience to the next level.

There are enough warnings and sorry tales contained within the pages too to act as a vicarious instruction manual for the newer designer.

All in all, The Learner’s Journey is a recommended read for the progressive and open-minded trainer who wishes to gain entry to the hearts and minds of their audience, move them emotionally, and, achieve a learning transformation that is worth reading about.

The book is accompanied by a resource centre – and is available in Kindle and paper form.

The 7 Benefits of Developing A Killer Keynote Speech. A presentation skills post by Matthew Hill

Or, how to construct a speech that will work for you, pay back handsomely, and, improve your life, and, the lives of others.

1. Know your subject to own your topic – For many mild-mannered experts, their very depth and breadth of knowledge can make them hesitate when answering an intelligent audience question. They scour their vast mental library, struggle to gather all the points together, and, construct a punchy response.

The outsider, failing to appreciate this process, can easily conclude that they are less an expert and more a ditherer – Tragic.

Do they understand you?

The discipline of preparing a speech involves writing down and presenting your key points is an ordered way. You, the keynote speaker, have the opportunity to simplify your “mind palace” and craft an appealing “starter”. You would not attempt to serve a vast main course before your guests are ready to enjoy it. Working on constructing a meaningful presentation will reacquaint you with your material, and so, allow you to chunk down complexity to bite-sized and understandable units of entertaining and informative communication. These will intrigue your audience, warm them up and prompt them to…ask for more.

Benefit – The ability to package vast quantities of data, research and experience into digestible blocks, frees the expert to enjoy audience encounters, with the boosted confidence of a great communicator – And, this makes them irresistible to their audience.

2. Clarify your thoughts – Most experts form their professional opinions and conclusions early in their careers. A problem then arises, if the field moves on. They slip behind current thought and look old fashioned.

Preparing and researching to construct a new and up-to-date keynote speech, offers the opportunity to make sure you are ahead of the curve, on top of latest developments, and are thus, preparing something that is bullet-proof to critics. There is nothing worse than an old soldier grinding out stories that are no longer relevant or peddling models that have been disproved and dismantled long ago. It is embarrassing and unnecessary.

Benefit – The structured thinking and “audit” of your work, that is required when forming a new core presentation, keeps you abreast of wider developments and will save you that red-faced moment, “Have you taken new theory X into account?”

With due diligence and thorough preparation, you will now answer, “Yes. And here is how theory X will impact you.”

3. Broadcast to the word – Every month I meet intellectual giants who are private heroes and heroines – They have the answers but they are not spreading their wisdom widely. A keynote speech is the perfect vehicle to build and expand a tribe of fans and followers, share your key messages with a wider group, and, generate momentum and action.

It is no use being silently right. To be consequent is better. And, to have followers adopt, act and start the revolution for you, is best.

Benefit – When structured correctly (See me for further details), a great keynote speech, gets your vital message out into the world, changes perceptions, alters behaviours and provokes improvement that saves lives.

Hello – I’m spreading a message

4. A starting point, helping you develop your collateral – Not many people would start building their “library” of Intellectual property and informational product assets with a keynote speech.

But, why not?

When you have a gem and take it on the road, the audience, their questions, and, the input they provide after the “show”, can spark 100 ideas for you to solidify in further posts and pieces. If you listen to your listeners, they will help you create a battery of products that can become a resource for everybody. Remember, publishing 100 new written posts is just another way of saying, “Here is my new book.”

Benefit – Your presentation becomes the catalyst for other IA – Informational Assets – Stand-alone products and properties that work to start making you famous and spreading your credo. They do this via social media, even when you are sleeping.

May I present…

5. Positioning yourself – Do you want to be (Daniel Priestley’s concept) A KPI – Key Person of Influence? The authority granted to keynote speakers is extraordinary. My speeches have generated income, invitations and infamy, and, in a short timeframe too.

In fact, a good presentation to an invited and relevant audience is the single quickest way to demonstrate your worth, qualify out the timewasters and qualify in interested parties. It generates the number of emotional and intellectual touches (see elsewhere) necessary to have decision makers rush the stage and beg you to do the same thing for their audience. The gravitas and marketing power of great public speaking cannot be understated.

Benefit – Some of the credibility of the event, the sponsors and the other speakers at a conference will rub off on you. If you are new to the game and work hard to become competent in your presentation skills (See elsewhere on the site), you will become equal in status to the best people in your field. And that is exciting.

6. Spread the word – We have covered some of the ways that message multiplication happens. Audience members ask you for a repeat performance. Conversations lead to further written and published posts. And, there are other ways to reach more people too. The obvious one is video.

When you have reached a competent level in your presentation skills, you will be ready to record and edit your efforts, and, put them in a “show reel” to generate more speeches, or, start a YouTube channel to showcase your message.

Benefit – When you capture your keynote speech in digital form, you can insert highlights and clips in your posts, newsletters or E Mails, to wow your growing crowd of followers. This will help you win the competition against all the noise and distraction out there, and, will vastly expand your reach and appeal.

7. Maximise your day job – There is nothing as attractive as a great public speaker. You will rarely get more attention than when saying something pertinent to your audience. You will experience a peak of appreciation when taking in the long and loud standing ovation generated by your amazing keynote speech. A memory that will not fade.

Benefit – If you want to feel alive, make a difference and generate more excitement in your life – You know what you have to do next…

Conclusion – The process of preparing your keynote speech can be as profound for you as that speech is impactful for your audience.

Building your speech presents you with the opportunity to refine your message, refresh your research and to craft your pitch to be optimally appealing and moving to your audience. Because, in the end, it is all about your audience.

Great speeches are a time-effective way to interrupt for attention, demonstrate your depth and value, and, move a wider audience. Your tribe will get to know you, like you, trust you, and, reach out to get in contact. Speaking in public leads to invitations, sales, friendships, and, the amplification of important messages, that make a difference in the world. It is only in this way that anything changes.

Action Time – How do you feel now? Are you ready to do the work and put your own keynote speech together? Do give me a call and tell me what topic you are passionate about. I would love to hear from you.

And, do you want the stars in your team to structure their thoughts and knowledge to help your company expand and reap the financial rewards of their expertise via great public speaking?

***Either way – Do take action and get in touch today***

About the Author – Matthew Hill is an author, keynote speaker and presentation skills facilitator. He works with corporate executives to uncover their hidden presentation talents, and, develop their speaking and writing competence, to make them maximally effective in converting cold but qualified audience members into followers, raving fans and customers.

He can be contacted on 07540 65 9995. International +44 7540 65 9995.