Dr. Robin DiAngelo filmed talk on White Fragility – The most impactful thing you will watch this year.

Let it in.

If you only look at one long learning video this summer to get better informed about a vast problem that can be changed – you’ve found it.

Dr. Robin DiAngelo talking about the content of her book White Fragility. (90 minutes.)

Dr. Robin DiAngelo White Fragility

Here is the link; http://seattlechannel.org/videos?videoid=x93076

Punchy, intelligently delivered to break patterns, disrupt and pierce the armour of racial comfort, this film names many of the false victim scripts that maintain a conspiracy of continuation and deliberate dominance by all white people – old timers, woke whites, progressives and millenials.

Obligatory viewing for anyone in the diversity, community or intercultural space.

Surrender to the reality and see how you feel.


Unconscious Bias and the Police in the USA with Elmer Dixon

What are we Attributing AND to Whom?

This 17 Minute Facebook Live session is a kick off piece launching Elmer’s SIETAR USA session in Tulsa on 9th November, his general courses and his work with the Police.

Catch the film here;


Profile – Elmer Dixon runs Executive Diversity Services in Seattle, USA.
